Mermaid Manifesto
Mermaid Manifesto On January 10, I wrote a representative work called the child at the beach. On February 17, I wrote a plotting blog about the beach. On February 23, I wrote about songs I would put on my playlist that would be playing while I would be at the beach. Finally, on March 4, I created a photo gallery with my dog about being out in the lake and the beach. The theme I found in four out of the twelve blog posts I have created this semester is about the beach or being on the water. Just looking at these four blog posts you can clearly tell I love being outside, at the beach, and just in the water. Might as well just grow a tail and become a mermaid! Although I did struggle mentally with school this semester I could always find some sort of comfort in the water or the beach. Finding what calmed me down and what reminded me of happiness is what I enjoyed writing about this semester in this class. I enjoyed writing about how I saw myself in the repetitive work and how I created