
Showing posts from April, 2021

Mermaid Manifesto

  Mermaid Manifesto On January 10, I wrote a representative work called the child at the beach. On February 17, I wrote a plotting blog about the beach. On February 23, I wrote about songs I would put on my playlist that would be playing while I would be at the beach. Finally, on March 4, I created a photo gallery with my dog about being out in the lake and the beach. The theme I found in four out of the twelve blog posts I have created this semester is about the beach or being on the water. Just looking at these four blog posts you can clearly tell I love being outside, at the beach, and just in the water. Might as well just grow a tail and become a mermaid! Although I did struggle mentally with school this semester I could always find some sort of comfort in the water or the beach. Finding what calmed me down and what reminded me of happiness is what I enjoyed writing about this semester in this class. I enjoyed writing about how I saw myself in the repetitive work and how I created

Module 14: Ekphrasis

  Green dying grass and wide-open fields Leaving my home I thought I would heal Finding new grass, new skies, new land I would have never thought that I would be so miserable so close to the sand Looking forward to the month where I go back  Hoping to try again to get my life on track My home is not here  In the wide-open fields and green dying grass  I left not knowing I would crack like window glass   In the book, I found the painting by Andrew Wyeth. This painting is called Christina's World and was painted in 1948. I choose this piece because it looks like the girl is lost but still insight of her home. I love the detail in this painting from the different shades of grass to the grey in the sky to give it a very dark, lonely feel. I thought this painting would suit my situation and my emotions lately very as I have been feeling alone and lost these past few months. No one knows the reason behind Christina crawling in the grass and Wyeth says that he would get a letter weekly as

Not seen on TV

  For this assignment, I chose the three transitions by Peter Campus. This video art has very detailed ways of transitioning in videos. What is going on in this video is he has these different images of himself and slowly begins to destroy each one into another image of himself. In the first transition, his back is facing the camera but you see a tear almost like paper and then the hand is seen. This hand is his hand and he is slowly coming through his back. At first, I thought it was just like a huge picture of this guy but he began to move while the hand way tearing his like a piece of paper. As the guy is ripping through, the other guy is going through the other side, as if he was going through the rip the guy had made. In the second transition, the man is wiping on some type of green screen cream that is creating a different image that appears underneath him. In the last transition, the man has a mirror or possibly a photo of himself and lights it on fire. I believe it is supposed

Hamlet: Act 1- Scene 5

 I chose to analyze act 1, scene 5 in the famous play 'Hamlet.' In this part of the play, Hamlet has a word with his ghostly father figure. In this conversation, the ghost told him that his father died because his brother had poisoned him through his ear while he was napping. Of course, Hamlet is pretty surprised and upset because his mother had re-married, in less than a month of her husband being dead, to his brother Claudias. This ghost had also put in Hamlet's knowledge that Claudius and his mother were together before the King passed away. A request from the fatherly ghost is that Hamlet punishes this father's murder by killing him. In my opinion, Hamlet has every right to be upset and full of anger with his mother and his new step-father because of the two incidents. But do I think that it should lead to murder? No, because you just fighting fire with fire. I think Hamlet should have fought him and then forgave him because that is how guys work. Do I think what Cl