Mermaid Manifesto


Mermaid Manifesto

On January 10, I wrote a representative work called the child at the beach. On February 17, I wrote a plotting blog about the beach. On February 23, I wrote about songs I would put on my playlist that would be playing while I would be at the beach. Finally, on March 4, I created a photo gallery with my dog about being out in the lake and the beach. The theme I found in four out of the twelve blog posts I have created this semester is about the beach or being on the water. Just looking at these four blog posts you can clearly tell I love being outside, at the beach, and just in the water. Might as well just grow a tail and become a mermaid! Although I did struggle mentally with school this semester I could always find some sort of comfort in the water or the beach. Finding what calmed me down and what reminded me of happiness is what I enjoyed writing about this semester in this class. I enjoyed writing about how I saw myself in the repetitive work and how I created a playlist of songs to just get up and dance on the beach too because it reminded me that things could be worse. The mermaid's tendencies to just run into the water and pray that I grow a tail to swim far away from my problems crossed my mind more than once but at the end of the day I know that I work hard and I give it my all every day. 

In my representative post, I used a painting by Tom Browning. It was of a little girl in a pink shirt looking at the ocean waters as it was riding in. I said in that post, 
"I believe that the values are found throughout the world. My values are represented in the ocean and the sand. I stand on my own values represented by the sand but I also am open to new values represented by the small little toe dip. This painting stood out to me the most when I was looking for a painting that described me with no words. This painting was the one. " 
This part of the post was very important to me because I believe that everyone's values and opinions should be respected no matter what. I wrote this during a time where I was no being respected about my views on certain things. January was a hard month for me, coming back to a school where I knew I would be criticized for my opinions, but hey I have the beach and the thought of becoming a mermaid still. 

Next, I wrote about the drive to Fort Myers Beach for my plotting assignment. I enjoyed this assignment because it put me in the midst of driving to my happy spot. The plotting sounded something like this, "We pack up our beach essentials which include a chair, a cooler, sunblock, and a speaker of course! We load up the Jeep and off we go fifteen minutes down the road. The beach is about five miles from the dorms, where we live, so it is nice to be a driving distance away from the beach. Right before you approach the bridge we hit traffic. What is Florida without traffic, it would not be Florida."
During this semester if I got sad or homesick I would just take a quick drive across the bridge and summon my inner mermaid to take me away. Away from the stress of school, softball, and just people. 

Now you can not go to the beach without a dance-it-out playlist, a good thing one of our assignments was making a playlist. It contained some folk, country, hip-hop, and rock music. Interesting combination for the beach but it is something about fun music on the beach when your sad and not feeling yourself. The playlist I created is actually songs that get played a lot when I end up on the beach because they are made to jump around and dance too.
A quick peek at my dance-around playlist if you get bored with your music at the beach!

Finally, one of my favorite assignments in this class the photo collection. I got to put one of my favorite two things on this earth in my school work! My dog and the water. Getting the chance to show off my dog and my favorite place is the ultimate assignment. I thought this assignment fell in place of the theme because the pictures just show how happy I am to be outside on the water with my dog. Just like Ariel had Flounder I have my dog. 


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