Not seen on TV


For this assignment, I chose the three transitions by Peter Campus. This video art has very detailed ways of transitioning in videos. What is going on in this video is he has these different images of himself and slowly begins to destroy each one into another image of himself. In the first transition, his back is facing the camera but you see a tear almost like paper and then the hand is seen. This hand is his hand and he is slowly coming through his back. At first, I thought it was just like a huge picture of this guy but he began to move while the hand way tearing his like a piece of paper. As the guy is ripping through, the other guy is going through the other side, as if he was going through the rip the guy had made. In the second transition, the man is wiping on some type of green screen cream that is creating a different image that appears underneath him. In the last transition, the man has a mirror or possibly a photo of himself and lights it on fire. I believe it is supposed to be a mirror because he is holding it and the picture is moving, so I suppose it is a mirror or some sort of reflection. The last one doesn't really match the first two because in the first there two guys and they are shown but in the last one only one guy is shown and he gets burnt up. I have ideas on how I could explain and make a plot for this random video but I understand that this is an art and there is really no reason behind it. How I could explain this I would say this video was made in honor of self-exploring. This meaning like in the first transition he was ripping into himself and tucking the old one away in the tear. Or in the second transition where he covered up everything except his eyes with the green screen cream. In a way, I would explain this a ladies way in putting on make-up because that is a good explanation of what he is doing to create this transition. In the last transition, he is burning a picture of himself. A way to explain this scene is he is burning his past and starting over. All of this imagery makes me think that this guy needs a new start possibly, maybe a new way to look at like, or maybe just attitude in life. I think a point that is made in this video is that you can always change and find another version of yourself inside. This piece expands television because it brings new ways to create an animation life to real-life works and the different transition used in the video also expands television world by getting creative with a green screen. 


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