Representative Work: The child at the beach


Head First Or Toes First? 
Painting: Tome Browning
Emily Perrin
This painting was painted by a man named Tom Browning. There is no title for this painting which I thought what better painting to describe me. My name is Emily Perrin and I am 19 years old. 
My style, values, and taste are represented in this painting all too well. My style would be considered very laid back and beachy. Like this little girl, I also have bleach blonde hair, I have always had bleached blonde hair so I considered part of my style. I was raised in North Georgia just dreaming of the day I could move down to Florida and become this beach girl I had planned out in my head. My taste is described in this painting by the way she is showing attitude toward the water. Now, I can tell if she is unsure of the water or if it touching her toes but either way this little girl has a bit of sass to her. I am a bit sassy wether I want to admit that or not but I am a very outgoing person with a little bit of hesitation. I believe that the values are found throughout the world. My values are represented in the ocean and the sand. I stand on my own values represented by the sand but I also am open to new values represented by the small little toe dip. This painting stood out to me the most when I was looking for a painting that described me with no words. This painting was the one. 
Sometimes, I still feel like I am just that little girl at the beach dreaming of one day living so close to the beach I could smell the sunblock. Crazy to think I ended up only 15 minutes from a beach and still being able to continue to play the sport I love. Every day I wake up and try to live every day like I am a kid again. This painting brought to my attention that we all are just little kids at the beach, messing around in the sand just waiting to get the courage to take a jump into the waters. 


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